We continue to hold periodic virtual coordination meetings for the Erasmus Plus project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES”.We […]
We started the year with a lot of energy and eager to continue working together on the Erasmus […]
The partners of the Erasmus Plus project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES” want to wish you a HAPPY […]
The partners of the Erasmus Plus project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES” want to wish you all a […]
The partners of the E + project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES” continue to advance in the development […]
The virtual coordination meetings, held periodically, in the E + project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES” are very […]
The methodology of the intellectual result O2 “PERSONALIZED DIGITAL COURSE” will be Microelearning. It is a holistic approach […]
The work does not stop. The partners of the Erasmus + project “VET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES” continue […]
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