Criticalthinking4vet is an european network that is made up of prestigious technology centers that develop cutting-edge projects in a wide variety of fields (biosanitary, smart materials, nanocomponents…) as well as VET centers. Both sectors collaborate together to create technical and labor training adapted not only to the needs of technology sector but also to the ones of students with obstacles.
From the network we believe that VET technicians have a fundamental role in the development of high technology projects, especially those young people with more obstacles that despite them demostrate a capability for improvement, dedication
and learning that makes them overcome all their barriers. On the other hand, technology centers can play a fundamental role in these young people, providing them with a new experience that helps them access the labor market and developing
fundamental skills for their social, professional and personal future.

In the resolution of the 2021 call for grants in the field of Vocational Training education of the Erasmus Plus Program, the project «TECHVETLAB: A SOLUTION FOR POSTCOVID-19 LABOR MARKET THROUGH A TECHNICAL TRAINING OF VET STUDENTS WITH OBSTACLES» has been awarded by the Spanish National Agency – SEPIE.

In the 2022 aid resolution in the educational field of Vocational Training of the Erasmus Plus Program, the Spanish National Agency -SEPIE has awarded us the project «BUILDING THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING OF THE FUTURE: COMPANIES AND EDUCATIONAL CENTERS FACING THE CHALLENGE OF THE ORGANIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF A MORE INCLUSIVE AND DIGITAL VET. (FUTURVET)”.

In the resolution of the call aid for 2020 in the educational field of the Erasmus Plus Programme, the project “VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS IN TECH CENTERS: TRAINING VET STUDENTS WITH OBSTACLES INTO A INNOVATIVE DIGITAL METHODS OF REMOTE WORKING
AND ELEARNING CREATED FROM COVID-19” was granted by the Spanish National Agency – SEPIE.

In the resolution of the 2021 call for grants in the field of Vocational Training education of the Erasmus Plus Program, the project «TVET STUDENTS INTO TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES» has been awarded by the Spanish National Agency – SEPIE.

In the call of March 2017 in the educational field of the Erasmus Plus Programme, it was granted by the Spanish National Agency – SEPIE the project CRITICAL THINKING AS A STEP FORWARD IN VET EDUCATION: VET students immersed in high
technology teams.

C/ Jesús y María, num 26 – bajo – 46008 (Spain)
Chief editor: Luis Gómez Estrada, CEO Ikasia Technologies sl
This network has been cofunded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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