On October 14, 2022, Panagiotis Karampelas, Dimitrios Fligkos and Panagiotis Chatzipapas from the 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias educational center, participated in #ErasmusDays2022 to present the #ErasmusPlus project “VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS IN TEH CENTERS”.
The event, which took place at the Archaeological Museum of Patras, was attended by officials from the regional directorate of primary and secondary education of Western Greece, such as the Regional Governor, the Deputy Regional Governor for entrepreneurship research and innovation or the regional director of education, members of Europe Direct and education experts from various schools in the region.
The participation in this event has been a great opportunity to present the project to the heads of the Ministry of Education and schools with the capacity to implement the results.

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