On 11.07.19 José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, held a conference at the V Congress of Educational Innovation and Network Teaching (IN-RED) of the Universitat Politècnica de València, where he presented the Erasmus + Program project “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams”. In this conference, he not only had the opportunity to present the intellectual results of the project and show the possibilities that it entails for high-tech centers and for students, but also to present the innovative methodology created by the project, which had a great reception.
In this congress we have not only had the possibility to present our project, but it will also allow us to participate in the specific publication of the congress, which will be published and disseminated widely.

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