It was held in Prague (Czech Rep.) On March 29, 2019. In this meeting the intellectual outputs were discussed. On the one hand, the final design of the METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE FOR HIGH TECH CENTERS TO HOST VET STUDENT INTERNSHIPS (O1) was presented. On the other hand, responsibilities for finishing the CURRICULAR DEVELOPMENT FOR QUALITY AND INNOVATION IN VET CENTERS THROUGH CROSS-SECTORAL CO-OPERATION (O2) were defined.
The participants of this meeting were the results responsibles of each participating entity, which allowed us to make easy decisions. During the afternoon we met the facilities and leading projects carried out at the Macromolecular Chemistry Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the University of Charles. The IMC is an academic institution of the CHARLES UNIVERSITY focused on macromolecular science (polymers). His research aims at the synthesis of polymers and new polymeric materials, the physics of polymers and the physical chemistry of polymers.

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