Evaluation is a fundamental tool to assess the success of the project’s results and objectives, as well as to determine the degree to which the activities have fulfilled their purpose.

During the planning phase of the project, a SYSTEM FOR THE GLOBAL CONTROL OF THE PROJECT was established in which a global organization was established with a focus on the analysis of the participants and the activities themselves. To do this, we generate evaluation mechanisms for the key points of the initiative throughout the four phases of the project, which include the evaluation of transnational meetings, multiplier events, results and activities.

The evaluation of the project is being carried out with a participatory methodology through spaces for analysis and reflection. Likewise, through this global control system, it has been decided to establish a quality process for each of the phases, based on the PDCA cycle (or Deming circle), which consists of the implementation of a continuous improvement system. whose main objective is self-assessment, highlighting the strong points that must be maintained and the areas for improvement in which action must be taken.

The PDCA cycle is made up of four cyclical stages, so that once the final stage is over, you must go back to the first and repeat the cycle again. In this way, activities are periodically reassessed to incorporate new improvements. With the completion of the preparation phase, the members of the partner entities met to analyze the follow-up of the entire phase and carry out the evaluation through all the documentation collected.



















3 external committee of 189 experts in innovative educational methodologies has positively evaluated the results and its educational impact of the project. In order to validate the quality of the project and the results generated in the project, a large number of international expert evaluators in the field of innovative education have been contacted (several of them members of the evaluation committees of the most relevant international congresses on the subject educational innovation).

The expert committee was made up of:

Complete nameAffiliationCountry
Adam FrostUniversity of ManchesterUNITED KINGDOM
Adriana Agnes Repellin-MorenoUniversidad PanamericanaMEXICO
Aileen CotterCork Institute of TechnologyIRELAND
Akihiro MaedaRyukoku UniversityJAPAN
Alexander MikroyannidisThe Open UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Alia AmmarDrexel UniversityUNITED STATES
Aline Grunewald NicheleFederal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do SulBRAZIL
Amtiaz FattumThe Arab Academic College for Education – HaifaISRAEL
Ana LucasUniversidade Europeia / Laureate International UniversitiesPORTUGAL
Ana Paula LopesPolytechnic Institute of OportoPORTUGAL
Anamarija ŠtefićJosip Juraj Strossmayer University of OsijekCROATIA
Andrew YoudeThe University of HuddersfieldUNITED KINGDOM
Anemona PeresFrontexPOLAND
Anna RomagnuoloUniversity of TusciaITALY
Anne Marie MartinoNew York City Department of EducationUNITED STATES
Asako OhnoOsaka Sangyo UniversityJAPAN
Asta DaunorieneKaunas University of TechnologyLITHUANIA
Bob BarrettAmerican Public UniversityUNITED STATES
Boza TasicRyerson UniversityCANADA
Bozena MannovaCzech Technical University in PragueCZECH REPUBLIC
Breno DeffantiGraded – The American School of São PauloBRAZIL
Catherine O’DonnellUlster UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Chang-Tik ChanMonash University MalaysiaMALAYSIA
Chiew Hong NgNational Institute of EducationSINGAPORE
Christopher EvansCardiff UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Craig LoewenUniversity of LethbridgeCANADA
Craig WalkerOklahoma State Department of EducationUNITED STATES
Cynthia Rosas MagallanesInstituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS)MEXICO
D.  Joan Domingo Peña Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaSPAIN
D. Andrés Camacho GarcíaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Antonio Molina MarcoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Carlos Galindo PastorUniversitat Jaume ISPAIN
D. David Carabantes AlarcónUniversidad Complutense de MadridSPAIN
D. David de Andrés MartínezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Emilio Vivancos RubioUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Ester Giménez CarbóUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Faraón Llorens LargoUniversitat d´AlacantSPAIN
D. Francisco Javier Camacho TorregrosaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Francisco Javier Hoyuelos Álvaro Universidad de BurgosSPAIN
D. Germán Moltó MartínezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Ignacio Bosch RoigUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Jaume Fabregat Fillet Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaSPAIN
D. Javier Paricio RoyoUniversidad de ZaragozaSPAIN
D. Jesús Alba FernándezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Joaquín Alejandro Guerra Achem Tecnológico de MonterreySPAIN
D. José Álvarez TeruelUniversitat d´AlacantSPAIN
D. José Luis Giménez LópezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. José Luis Martín NúñezUniversidad Politécnica de MadridSPAIN
D. José Vicente Salcedo Romero de ÁvilaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Juan Antonio Monsoriu SerraUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Juan Carlos Morales SánchezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Juan Luis Bravo RamosUniversidad Politécnica de MadridSPAIN
D. Martín Llamas NistalUniversidad de VigoSPAIN
D. Miguel Ángel Fortea BagánUniversitat Jaume ISPAIN
D. Miguel Ferrando BatallerUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Miguel Leiva BrondoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Miguel Rebollo PedrueloUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Miguel Sanhueza Olave Universidad Tecnológica MetropolitanaSPAIN
D. Rafael Balart GimenoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
D. Rafael Oliver Cuello Universitat de Vic-UCCSPAIN
D. Raúl Santiago CampiónUniversidad de la RiojaSPAIN
D. Roberto Carballedo Morillo Universidad de DeustoSPAIN
D. Sixto Romero Sánchez Universidad de HuelvaSPAIN
D. Vicente Martínez GarcíaUniversitat Jaume ISPAIN
D. Víctor Yepes PiquerasUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª Ana Mª Delgado García Universitat Oberta de CatalunyaSPAIN
Dª Idoia Begoña Fernández Fernández Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHUSPAIN
Dª Mari Paz Prendes Espinosa Universidad de MurciaSPAIN
Dª Mónica Feixas Condom Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaSPAIN
Dª Roser Grau VidalUniversitat de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Amparo Graciani García Universidad de SevillaSPAIN
Dª. Amparo Ribes GreusUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Ana María Arnal PonsUniversitat Jaume ISPAIN
Dª. Ana Rosa Abadía ValleUniversidad de ZaragozaSPAIN
Dª. Ángeles Calduch LosaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Carla Sentieri OmarrementeriaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Concepción Bueno GarcíaUniversidad de ZaragozaSPAIN
Dª. Eloína Coll AliagaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Esther Sanabria CodesalUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Eva Emmanuel Martínez Universidad del País VascoSPAIN
Dª. Francesca Romero FortezaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Irene Epifanio LópezUniversitat Jaume ISPAIN
Dª. José Ignacio Herranz HerruzoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Josefa Mula BruUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Llucia Monreal MengualUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Mª Asunción Martínez Mayoral Universidad Miguel HernándezSPAIN
Dª. Mª Asunción Pérez PascualUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Mª Gracia López PatiñoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Mª José Pérez PeñalverUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Mª Pilar Bonet EspinosaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Mercedes López SantiagoUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Nagore Ipiña Larrañaga Universidad de MondragónSPAIN
Dª. Pilar Aurora Cáceres GonzálezUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Raquel Conchell DiranzoUniversitat de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Rosabel Roig VillaUniversidad de AlicanteSPAIN
Dª. Sara Ibáñez AsensioUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Susana Martínez NaharroUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Teresa Pages Costas Universidad de BarcelonaSPAIN
Dª. Teresa Pardo VicenteUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaSPAIN
Dª. Vanessa González Fernández Universidad de SevillaSPAIN
Daniel AbrahamsUniversity of Arkansas – FayettevilleUNITED STATES
Darren FalconerThe University of Western AustraliaAUSTRALIA
David JenningsUniversity College DublinIRELAND
Denis LiakinConcordia UniversityCANADA
Desiree CranfieldSwansea UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Elena SavovaUniversity of Library Studies and Information TechnologiesBULGARIA
Elmaziye ÖzgürEastern Mediterranean UniversityCYPRUS
Emmanuel GlakpeHoward UniversityUNITED STATES
Ewa Bogacz-WojtanowskaJagiellonian UniversityPOLAND
Farhad EftekhariTechClass Ltd.FINLAND
Fausto BreviPolitecnico di MilanoITALY
Fedor DuzhinNanyang Technological UniversitySINGAPORE
Fernando Enrique Ortiz RodriguezUniversidad Autonoma de TamaulipasMEXICO
Filomena SoaresPolytechnic of PortoPORTUGAL
Frank BrosowUniversity of Education LudwigsburgGERMANY
Gaby ProbstHaute École de GestionSWITZERLAND
Guenter TuschGrand Valley State UniversityUNITED STATES
Hanna HaydarBrooklyn College – City University of New YorkUNITED STATES
Hanna-Riitta KymäläinenUniversity of HelsinkiFINLAND
Helen ReddyUniversity of NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM
Helmut WöllikCarinthia University of Applied SciencesAUSTRIA
Hiroyuki ObariAoyama Gakuin UniversityJAPAN
Ineta HelmaneUniversity of LatviaLATVIA
Iolie NicolaidouCyprus University of TechnologyCYPRUS
James MackayOtago PolytechnicNEW ZEALAND
Jana BérešováUniversity of TrnavaSLOVAKIA
Jane DaviesUniversity of NottinghamMALAYSIA
Jaroslaw KujawskiUniversity of GdanskPOLAND
Jennifer RobinsonUniversity of Arizona Global CampusUNITED STATES
Joanna RichardsonCity, University of LondonUNITED KINGDOM
João MonteiroISPGAYA – Instituto Superior Politécnico GayaPORTUGAL
John CraftAppalachian State UniversityUNITED STATES
Joseph AgbenyegaEmirates College for Advanced EducationUNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Kari KrellMacEwan UniversityCANADA
Kathleen O’SullivanUniversity College CorkIRELAND
Katia KaradjovaGeorgia Southern UniversityUNITED STATES
Kay GallagherZayed UniversityUNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Laila Nordstrand BergWestern Norway University of Applied SciencesNORWAY
Laura MasonSwansea UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Laura ZizkaEcole Hôtelière de Lausanne / HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western SwitzerlandSWITZERLAND
Leonor Silva de MattosUniversity of HertfordshireUNITED KINGDOM
Luis RoseiroInstituto Superior de Engenharia de CoimbraPORTUGAL
Luke RaesideTechnological University DublinIRELAND
Manuel GericotaPolytechnic of PortoPORTUGAL
Manuela MilaniHumanitas UniversityITALY
Maria Luisa SpreaficoUniversità degli Studi di MilanoITALY
Maria RudnevaRUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Maria Susy RogersThe University of South WalesUNITED KINGDOM
Martha Leal-GonzalezInstitute of Innovation and Technology Transfer of Nuevo LeonMEXICO
Martina BodeUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoUNITED STATES
Mathilde CelumeBeyond EducationFRANCE
Matome MashiapataUniversity of South AfricaSOUTH AFRICA
Mayaugust FinkenbergStevenson UniversityUNITED STATES
Michelle FloodRoyal College of SurgeonsIRELAND
Mike HillisCalifornia Lutheran UniversityUNITED STATES
Monika JakubiakMaria Curie-Sklodowska UniversityPOLAND
Nathalie WessselingAmsterdam University of Applied SciencesNETHERLANDS
Oli HowsonThe Open UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Orlando BeloUniversidade do MinhoPORTUGAL
Pamela Brett MacLeanUniversity of AlbertaCANADA
Paul HunterIMD, International Institute for Management DevelopmentSWITZERLAND
Peter GaborUniversity of CalgaryCANADA
Peter HaberSalzburg University of Applied SciencesAUSTRIA
Pia PalotieEezy TyollisyyspalvelutFINLAND
Polona GradišekUniversity of LjubljanaSLOVENIA
Rachel Morgan-GuthrieUniversity of WolverhamptonUNITED KINGDOM
Rebecca AllenMount St. Joseph UniversityUNITED STATES
Remigijus BubnysVilnius UniversityLITHUANIA
Rosa Cendros AraujoWestern UniversityCANADA
Sean LancastleUniversity of BristolUNITED KINGDOM
Sinéad McCotterUniversity of YorkUNITED KINGDOM
Siobhan O’SullivanKhalifa University in Medical EducationUNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Staffan ElgelidNazareth CollegeUNITED STATES
Suzy ConnorKyushu UniversityJAPAN
Sylvia DempseyCork Institute of TechnologyIRELAND
Taija Chaya VotkinAalto UniversityFINLAND
Taketoshi YokemuraShibaura Institute of TechnologyJAPAN
Tammy LadwigUniversity of Wisconsin Fox ValleyUNITED STATES
Teemu PatalaContext Learning Finland OyFINLAND
Teresa CardosoUniversidade Aberta, LE@DPORTUGAL
Thomas LaveryThe Royal Academy of EngineeringUNITED KINGDOM
Thomas RachfallHochschule MerseburgGERMANY
Tunde SzecsiFlorida Gulf Coast UniversityUNITED STATES
Victor FesterUniversity of WaikatoNEW ZEALAND
Victoria BrennanLiverpool John Moores UniversityUNITED KINGDOM
Victoria KompanetsLappeenranta University of TechnologyFINLAND
Wayne BaileyThe University of HuddersfieldUNITED KINGDOM
Wendy GortonEducational consultantUNITED STATES
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