Ikasia Technologies is a Technology-Based Company established in 2015 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and promoted from the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, which makes both research results and talent and capacity available to the company. of its researchers.
Ikasia’s objective is to develop cutting-edge technologies for the economically profitable series production of complex materials, adapted to very diverse applications, specifically 3D, additive manufacturing, composite materials and biomaterials.
Although Ikasia’s main activity is the production of knowledge and the development of new composite materials for their launch on the market, the organization’s priority objectives are also social commitment and contribution to the construction of a better world through projects of inclusive education.
At IKASIA we believe that every entity, whether public or private, has a commitment to help others in all possible fields. In this sense, it works specifically in the field of social inclusion, especially in the field of VET education, designing international projects. We believe that VET students, especially those with barriers and special educational needs, need new challenges and opportunities that the technological field can offer them.
Thus, the company’s work areas are framed in two lines:
– 3d print. Ikasia has a 3D laboratory in which it seeks to put on the market a new generation of non-metallic hybrid materials that are more flexible and resistant than steel for special environments, produced by means of a highly profitable, patented 3D cold manufacturing process.
– Project development. Ikasia believes that technology is not only offering innovative proposals to improve manufacturing processes, but also a commitment to social improvement. That is why they coordinate and participate in various educational innovation projects together with cutting-edge research projects. Through its educational projects, it seeks to promote the inclusion and employability of students with economic, social and cultural barriers in the technology sector.

RedTree Making Projects Coop.V. is a social cooperative, active in the fields of education, training and the design of educational materials. In its almost 10 years of experience, the entity has become a benchmark in the creation of innovative digital educational processes and methodologies in very diverse educational fields (secondary, primary, adults …), having created specific digital tools, methods and environments to favor inclusion and educational success of students with obstacles.
Redtree’s projects and areas of specialization are intersectoral, since they work mainly in 4 educational sectors: school education, vocational training, adult education, and training of young people through non-formal and informal education. This social cooperative has developed very diverse functions within these four educational sectors, from the design of educational projects at the European level, to educational materials and tools, the control and monitoring of project quality, advisory and consultancy functions, etc. plus the experience coordinating our own Erasmus Plus projects.
Through these projects and materials, RedTree seeks to fight discrimination and social inequality, promoting the employability and inclusion of students with economic and social barriers.
The RedTree team believes that education must provide new perspectives and develop critical and supportive analysis skills to obtain new qualifications, increase the level of capacity and employability, social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.

Smallcodes is a software development company for scientific and educational projects. Its activity is framed in three main areas:
First area. Promotion of linguistic diversity through technology, with the aim of creating a network between linguistic and cultural minorities in Europe, in order to guarantee each language a systematic and constant presence in the written world and in the world of ICTs . SC intends to bridge the digital divide between majority cultures and languages and minority and regional cultures and languages. To achieve this goal, it produces software systems for lexicography, spelling correction, and neology / terminology planning for lesser-used languages, as well as systems for toponymy cataloging and bibliographic archiving. These five modules are, according to SC policy, the first step towards a modern use of the language.
Second area. Participation in European projects for the dissemination of digital skills, for linguistic and social inclusion, and for teaching disadvantaged people. Their participation in recent projects has allowed them to create an online platform for distance education and training, dedicated in one case to volunteers in the field of social inclusion and to migrants and refugees in EU countries and, in the second case. , to teachers of students with visual disabilities of various grades.
SC also participates in educational projects and creation of materials such as: books, DVDs and electronic books and also collaborates with the implementation of ICT resources for school education: educational applications, electronic books, e-learning platforms, mobile video games, courses on-line, language portals, etc.
Third area. Software development in the field of medicine. For several years SC has been associated with the University of Florence, with which it designs and develops technological applications for the treatment of clinical pharmacological data, pharmacovigilance and bioinformatics.

GRETA DU VELAY, located in a rural area in the south of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, is a public training organization that brings together 21 educational institutions such as VET education centers, adult education and secondary schools, all under the wing of the Ministry of Education.
GRETA DU VELAY is a member of the GRETA network, which covers the entire French territory, making it one of the leading training providers in France (191 Greta and 4350 training locations).
Since 1992, he has participated in several research projects in the European framework for education, training and professional integration, and has developed various resources (printed, online or interactive) that the professional community still uses to improve social integration and professional. These projects have allowed Greta de Velay to work with partners from all over Europe and thus gain experience in different areas of training.
It employs 4 training advisers and 40 trainers, and offers around 300,000 hours of training per year (hosting between 2,000 and 2,500 students). The interests of this entity are multiple, among which stand out the complementarity of know-how, use of specific resources, training response as close as possible to needs.
Greta du Velay’s activity is framed by two main objectives:
- Support small and medium-sized companies in their training processes: analysis of training needs, implementation of training programs, evaluation and monitoring. With this objective, they provide courses in various areas, responding to local needs such as hospitality, industry (automation tools, 3D, maintenance …) and tertiary sectors (management, languages, IT …).
- Support the social and vocational inclusion of disadvantaged target groups, such as VET students at risk of exclusion, unemployed adults or migrants. With this objective they carry out various activities such as the development of key competences, transversal competences, providing support to discover and orient themselves towards careers and jobs, etc.

SOMATICA, MATERIALS & SOLUTIONS is a Portuguese technology-based company that is having a great impact on the technology sector thanks to an intense design and creation of electroactive and intelligent materials, adapted to the specific needs of its customers and capable of performing complex functions. It has the support of the Physics Center of the University of Minho, where constant and advanced research and development is carried out in the area of these materials.
Somatica Materials & Solutions aims to achieve a level of excellence in the field of electroactive materials and solutions.
To make this vision come true, the company has the support of Center of Physics of University of Minho where a constant and advance R&D is made in the area of these materials.
Our mission is to understand the market needs in order to provide cost-effective solutions following the highest quality standards.
Only working close with our partners, collaborators and customers it is possible to fully understand the best ways to integrate our technology in the materials that surround us.

WISE4AUTOMATION (W4A) is a technology-based company located in Braga (Portugal) that emerged as a spin-off from the Universidade do Minho. They develop and produce electronic circuits and software for industrial applications and IoT systems for the acquisition and processing of signals, where they have solutions developed for national and international clients.
W4A is a dynamic, proactive and specialized company whose objective is to guarantee or exceed the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of its clients and partners, seeking the best quality/price ratio required by the market. They seek to develop technological innovation products, with quality design and reliability, robustness and durability systems. Likewise, one of the main objectives is the qualified training of their employees, since they consider that the knowledge, talent and experience of their employees are the key to the success of their company.
It has a team of expert engineers and production specialists specialized in the areas of integration of sensors, software, communication technologies, manufacturing (PCB and mechanical parts), and security devices.

1st Epagelmatiko Lykeio Kato Achaias has been active for more than 10 years in planning and implementing international projects for its students and educational staff. We have implemented with great success many types of projects in the frame of LLP and Erasmus+ programs. We have implemented Mobility (IVT-VETPRO), Partnerships, Transfer of Innovation, Comenius and Etwinning projects.
The school plays a key role in the local community, supporting other schools that intend to initiate international cooperation under the Erasmus + program.
The training they offer to their students is aimed at promoting technology and its applications in all professional fields. They consider that the future is intertwined with technological development. For this reason, they combine professional training with technology, believing that it is the way to a successful career in the complex world in which we live.
The main objective is to satisfy the educational and professional needs of the students, as well as facilitate their employability and give them the opportunity to live a unique experience thanks to the realization of more than 300 student mobility.
The goal of the center’s teachers is for students to acquire high-quality knowledge, experiences, and skills that allow them to break down the economic and social barriers they face.
During this long-term period we have sent abroad more than 250 students and 25 teachers.
Except for sending people abroad we usually act as hosting organization for our partners who want to send students to Greece for a practical training period. We have hosted students from Austria, The Netherlands, Latvia, Norway and France. We organized both short-time seminars and long-term internships in local enterprises and institutions. In order to fulfil their educational and professional needs, we have established a wide network of companies and institutions where we can arrange short or longer placements for them, depending on their specific needs. The network of local institutions forms a Local Community of Practice (LCoP) that we use either for our students or the hosted ones.
During this long period we have been involved in international projects with great success. Some of our projects have received awards by the Greek National Agency and have been listed in Best Practices Guides that have been issued by the Greek National Agency. The project titled “Professional Skills Development in Europe” with code number 2013-1-GR-LEΟ01-14816 has been listed in the Best Practice Guide which has been co-issued by the Greek and Cypriot National Agencies as the best IVT Mobility Project for the total period of LLP Program 2007-2013.
The TOI project titled INPACT was funded by the EU from 2008-2010. It produced the infrastructure for the organization of three -week seminars in the seven partner countries for students from other European countries upon topics relevant to their field of study. Although funding finished in 2010, the structure is still alive. We have sent groups of students three times to attend courses in The Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. One of our mobility projects to attend such a seminar in The Netherlands received an award for the promotion of new methodology in VET and was listed in the Best Practices Guide issued by the Greek National Agency in 2011.

The IES Enrique Tierno Galván de Moncada is part of the network of public education centers managed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of the GVA.
Currently, the IES is a typified type A center with 863 students enrolled and 85 teachers from different specialties. It has become a reference educational center in the region of L’Horta Nord, with a talent project for students with great learning abilities, with the incorporation of basic German in the linguistic-humanistic baccalaureate modality and with a Biology program Singular molecular thanks to which CFGS Diagnostic Laboratory students perform different polymerase chain reaction tests.
Finally, to all this wide educational offer, it should be added that for some decades the IES has programmed and organized different cultural days with a high artistic level for the city of Moncada and its region. Firstly, since the campaign started in 2001 under the name “L’IES DE PORTES CAP A FORA”, chamber music concerts, sculpture and painting exhibitions, dance festivals, etc., have been organized, all of them carried out by performers and artists of international recognition. Today, they have taken on great relevance, achieving wide circulation thanks to our award-winning newspaper “El Tierno”, Golden Wolf Award 2013 for the best youth newspaper in Spain.