VET STUDENTS, ESPECIALLY AT RISK OF EXCLUSION. They are the main beneficiaries of the project, as they have the opportunity to improve their training during their training cycle, becoming an active part in the participation of innovation projects of technology companies. All this allows them to strengthen their confidence and improve their access to the labor market with a plus of experience while promoting their social inclusion.

VET TEACHERS. They are beneficiaries of the results of this project, especially the “BEING A PART OF IT METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE” and the “TECHVETLAB EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE”, through which they improve their digital skills and incorporate teaching into the work processes of the technology companies.

VET CENTERS. With this project they are able to improve the training of teachers and the training offer for students, offering them the opportunity to participate in research projects during their training, thus facilitating their employability in the technology sector.
In addition, they benefit directly from the result “VET4TECH SEARCH SYSTEM” that will make it easier for them to find technology companies interested in hiring and carrying out professional internships for their students, strengthening the relationship with technology companies and their internationalization.

TECHNOLOGICAL COMPANIES. On the one hand, the workers of these companies (researchers and technicians) improve their teaching capacity by bringing them closer to the reality of VET students at risk of exclusion by including the results in their work. On the other hand, it allows companies to have the opportunity to influence VET learning, and to expand their staff with students trained to develop cutting-edge research projects, giving them an opportunity for social and labor inclusion. In this sense, they are beneficiaries of the “VET4TECH SEARCH SYSTEM” that allows them to find educational centers that apply the learning system adapted to the needs of the technology sector and that have VET students with obstacles who have completed and passed specific training for that work and the “TECHVETLAB EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE”, which allows them to improve the management and administration processes of the company’s projects, offering them the opportunity to digitize the global vision of the projects they work on.

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